Thursday, June 23, 2011

The infant stages of Natalie's training in technology

To begin with, my father never makes a big purchase, or any purchase for that matter, without first thoroughly researching the product, it's competitors and the place from which he will be bringing the product home. This in mind, of course it took him a solid 4 years to decide which computer he would buy. In addition, my dad extensively compared product reports when he decided to purchase the family's first hand held camcorder. Hand held is, of course, a slight misnomer. My dad balanced the monstrosity he came home with on his shoulder, and secured it to him in case of slip and falls with large black velcro straps. I still remember trying to type papers and surf the infant Internet on an old, blocky Mac computer.
Needless to say, my father did not run around picking up the latest, greatest, hottest gadgets. This taught me  to carefully choose my technological purchases and to place value not in material things, but in the time spent with those you love.

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